Universe levels

This section will describe universe levels from an implementation perspective, and will cover what readers need to know when it comes to type checking Lean declarations. More in-depth treatment of their role in Lean's type theory can be found in TPIL4, or section 2 of Mario Carneiro's thesis

The syntax for universe levels is as follows:

Level ::= Zero | Succ Level | Max Level Level | IMax Level Level | Param Name

Properties of the Level type that readers should take note of are the existence of a partial order on universe levels, the presence of variables (the Param constructor), and the distinction between Max and IMax.

Max simply constructs a universe level that represents the larger of the left and right arguments. For example, Max(1, 2) simplifies to 2, and Max(u, u+1) simplifies to u+1. The IMax constructor represents the larger of the left and right arguments, unless the right argument simplifies to Zero, in which case the entire IMax resolves to 0.

The important part about IMax is its interaction with the type inference procedure to ensure that, for example, forall (x y : Sort 3), Nat is inferred as Sort 4, but forall (x y : Sort 3), True is inferred as Prop.

Partial order on levels

Lean's Level type is equipped with a partial order, meaning there's a "less than or equals" test we can perform on pairs of levels. The rather nice implementation below comes from Gabriel Ebner's Lean 3 checker trepplein. While there are quite a few cases that need to be covered, the only complex matches are those relying on cases, which checks whether x ≤ y by examining whether x ≤ y holds when a parameter p is substituted for Zero, and when p is substituted for Succ p.

  leq (x y : Level) (balance : Integer): bool :=
    Zero, _ if balance >= 0 => true
    _, Zero if balance < 0 => false
    Param(i), Param(j) => i == j && balance >= 0
    Param(_), Zero => false
    Zero, Param(_) => balance >= 0
    Succ(l1_), _ => leq l1_ l2 (balance - 1)
    _, Succ(l2_) => leq l1 l2_ (balance + 1)

    -- descend left
    Max(a, b), _ => (leq a l2 balance) && (leq b l2 balance)

    -- descend right
    (Param(_) | Zero), Max(a, b) => (leq l1 a balance) || (leq l1 b balance)

    -- imax
    IMax(a1, b1), IMax(a2, b2) if a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 => true
    IMax(_, p @ Param(_)), _ => cases(p)
    _, IMax(_, p @ Param(_)) => cases(p)
    IMax(a, IMax(b, c)), _ => leq Max(IMax(a, c), IMax(b, c)) l2 balance
    IMax(a, Max(b, c)), _ => leq (simplify Max(IMax(a, b), IMax(a, c))) l2 balance
    _, IMax(a, IMax(b, c)) => leq l1 Max(IMax(a, c), IMax(b, c)) balance
    _, IMax(a, Max(b, c)) => leq l1 (simplify Max(IMax(a, b), IMax(a, c))) balance

  cases l1 l2 p: bool :=
    leq (simplify $ subst l1 p zero) (simplify $ subst l2 p zero)
    leq (simplify $ subst l1 p (Succ p)) (simplify $ subst l2 p (Succ p))

Equality for levels

The Level type recognizes equality by antisymmetry, meaning two levels l1 and l2 are equal if l1 ≤ l2 and l2 ≤ l1.

Implementation notes

Be aware that the exporter does not export Zero, but it is assumed to be the 0th element of Level.

For what it's worth, the implementation of Level does not have a large impact on performance, so don't feel the need to aggressively optimize here.