
Declarations are the big ticket items, and are the last domain elements we need to define.

declarationInfo ::= Name, (universe params : List Level), (type : Expr)

declar ::= 
  Axiom declarationInfo
  | Definition declarationInfo (value : Expr) ReducibilityHint
  | Theorem declarationInfo (value : Expr) 
  | Opaque declarationInfo (value : Expr) 
  | Quot declarationInfo
  | InductiveType 
      is_recursive: Bool
      num_params: Nat
      num_indices: Nat
      -- The name of this type, and any others in a mutual block
      allIndNames: Name+
      -- The names of the constructors for *this* type only, 
      -- not including the constructors for mutuals that may 
      -- be in this block.
      constructorNames: Name*
  | Constructor 
      (inductiveName : Name) 
      (numParams : Nat) 
      (numFields : Nat)

  | Recursor 
        numParams : Nat
        numIndices : Nat
        numMotives : Nat
        numMinors : Nat
        isK : Bool

RecRule ::= (constructor name : Name), (number of constructor args : Nat), (val : Expr)

Checking a declaration

For all declarations, the following preliminary checks are performed before any additional procedures specific to certain kinds of declaration:

  • The universe parameters in the declaration's declarationInfo must not have duplicates. For example, a declaration def Foo.{u, v, u} ... would be prohibited.

  • The declaration's type must not have free variables; all variables in a "finished" declaration must correspond to a binder.

  • The declaration's type must be a type (infer declarationInfo.type must produce a Sort). In Lean, a declaration def Foo : Nat.succ := .. is not permitted; Nat.succ is a value, not a type.


The only checks done against axioms are those done for all declarations which ensure the declarationInfo passes muster. If an axiom has a valid set of universe parameters and a valid type with no free variables, it is admitted to the environment.


The Quot declarations are Quot,, Quot.ind, and Quot.lift. These declarations have prescribed types which are known to be sound within Lean's theory, so the environment's quotient declarations must match those types exactly. These types are hard-coded into kernel implementations since they are not prohibitively complex.

Definition, theorem, opaque

Definition, theorem, and opaque are interesting in that they both a type and a value. Checking these declarations involves inferring a type for the declaration's value, then asserting that the inferred type is definitionally equal to the ascribed type in the declarationInfo.

In the case of a theorem, the declarationInfo's type is what the user claims the type is, and therefore what the user is claiming to prove, while the value is what the user has offered as a proof of that type. Inferring the type of the received value amounts to checking what the proof is actually a proof of, and the definitional equality assertion ensures that the thing the value proves is actually what the user intended to prove.

Reducibility hints

Reducibility hints contain information about how a declaration should be unfolded. An abbreviation will generally always be unfolded, opaque will not be unfolded, and regular N might be unfolded depending on the value of N. The regular reducibility hints correspond to a definition's "height", which refers to the number of declarations that definition uses to define itself. A definition x with a value that refers to definition y will have a height value greater than y.