Export format

An exporter is a program which emits Lean declarations using the kernel language, for consumption by external type checkers. Producing an export file is a complete exit from the Lean ecosystem; the data in the file can be checked with entirely external software, and the exporter itself is not a trusted component. Rather than inspecting the export file itself to see whether the declarations were exported as the developer intended, the exported declarations are checked by the external checker, and are displayed back to the user by a pretty printer, which produces output far more readable than the export file. Readers can (and are encouraged to) write their own external checkers for Lean export files.

The official exporter is lean4export.

A description of the current export file format can be found below. There are also ongoing discussions about how best to evolve the export format.

(ver 0.1.2)

For clarity, some of the compound items are decorated here with a name, for example (name : T), but they appear in the export file as just an element of T.

The export scheme for mutual and nested inductives is as follows:

  • Inductive.inductiveNames contains the names of all types in the mutual .. end block. The names of any other inductive types used in a nested (but not mutual) construction will not be included.
  • Inductive.constructorNames contains the names of all constructors for THAT inductive type, and no others (no constructors of the other types in a mutual block, and no constructors from any nested construction).

NOTE: readers writing their own parsers and/or checkers should initialize names[0] as the anonymous name, and levels[0] as universe zero, as they are not emitted by the exporter, but are expected to occupy the name and level indices for 0.

File ::= ExportFormatVersion Item*

ExportFormatVersion ::= nat '.' nat '.' nat

Item ::= Name | Universe | Expr | RecRule | Declaration

Declaration ::= 
    | Axiom 
    | Quotient 
    | Definition 
    | Theorem 
    | Inductive 
    | Constructor 
    | Recursor

nidx, uidx, eidx, ridx ::= nat

Name ::=
  | nidx "#NS" nidx string
  | nidx "#NI" nidx nat

Universe ::=
  | uidx "#US"  uidx
  | uidx "#UM"  uidx uidx
  | uidx "#UIM" uidx uidx
  | uidx "#UP"  nidx

Expr ::=
  | eidx "#EV"  nat
  | eidx "#ES"  uidx
  | eidx "#EC"  nidx uidx*
  | eidx "#EA"  eidx eidx
  | eidx "#EL"  Info nidx eidx
  | eidx "#EP"  Info nidx eidx eidx
  | eidx "#EZ"  Info nidx eidx eidx eidx
  | eidx "#EJ"  nidx nat eidx
  | eidx "#ELN" nat
  | eidx "#ELS" (hexhex)*
  -- metadata node w/o extensions
  | eidx "#EM" mptr eidx

Info ::= "#BD" | "#BI" | "#BS" | "#BC"

Hint ::= "O" | "A" | "R" nat

RecRule ::= ridx "#RR" (ctorName : nidx) (nFields : nat) (val : eidx)

Axiom ::= "#AX" (name : nidx) (type : eidx) (uparams : uidx*)

Def ::= "#DEF" (name : nidx) (type : eidx) (value : eidx) (hint : Hint) (uparams : uidx*)
Theorem ::= "#THM" (name : nidx) (type : eidx) (value : eidx) (uparams: uidx*)

Quotient ::= "#QUOT" (name : nidx) (type : eidx) (uparams : uidx*)

Inductive ::= 
  (name : nidx) 
  (type : eidx) 
  (isRecursive: 0 | 1)
  (isNested : 0 | 1)
  (numParams: nat) 
  (numIndices: nat)
  (numInductives: nat)
  (inductiveNames: nidx {numInductives})
  (numConstructors : nat) 
  (constructorNames : nidx {numConstructors}) 
  (uparams: uidx*)

Constructor ::= 
  (name : nidx) 
  (type : eidx) 
  (parentInductive : nidx) 
  (constructorIndex : nat)
  (numParams : nat)
  (numFields : nat)
  (uparams: uidx*)

Recursor ::= 
  (name : nidx)
  (type : eidx)
  (numInductives : nat)
  (inductiveNames: nidx {numInductives})
  (numParams : nat)
  (numIndices : nat)
  (numMotives : nat)
  (numMinors : nat)
  (numRules : nat)
  (recRules : ridx {numRules})
  (k : 1 | 0)
  (uparams : uidx*)